Zain (Zulqarnain) Ashraf

Zain (Zulqarnain) Ashraf
Senior Physiotherapist
Manual Therapy including Mulligan’s techniques. Pelvic floor Exercises, Pilates Rehab, Graston Technique (scraping muscles and soft tissues to create a fascial release and remove tightness and restrictions). Experienced in electrotherapy and modern technologies.
Practice in dry needling, acupuncture and taping. Outpatients with Ortho, Neuro, Sports or pelvic conditions. Acute care. Chronic pain management. TMJ, Vestibular rehab, neck and lower back, Headaches and migraines and much more.
Qualifications and professional membership
- Doctor of Physical Therapy (University of Sargodha – Pakistan)
- Member of the HCPC since 2022.
- Member of the CSP since 2022.
- Member of the American Heart Association since 2018.
Background and previous job/roles/experiences
- MSK physiotherapist at 1Physio UK since 2022.
- Consultant Physiotherapist at Shafi Memorial Hospital (2018-2022).
The last course you attended and how you put it into practice
The most challenging client's conditions you have treated
What are your next professional and personal goals
To be a five-star health provider.
Have enough time to self-evaluate and incorporate feedback.
What is your best professional achievement
What is your best personal life achievement
Your best advices
What's your dream
Favourite food, holiday destination, song, quote
I like hunting in the wild as type of holiday when back home, therefore I like to eat the hunted preys. I also wrote songs and poems about it so my favourite song is my song “Hunting in the wild”.
My favourite quote is “I chose to love you in silence, for silence there is no rejection” by Rumi.