Craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral Therapy London


Craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tension and restrictions in the craniosacral system, which includes the bones, tissues, and fluids surrounding the brain and spinal cord. This method developed since the early 1900s when the osteopath William Sutherland, created a new approach based on the theory that skull bones, considered fixed, are able, in reality, to expand and retract, following a certain pulse coming from inside the head and spine. 

Later in the 70s another osteopath, John Upledger, theorised how the pulse depends on the cerebral-spinal fluid (CSF)and its circulation. In the 1994 the American Cranioscaral Therapy Association was founded and year by year exploded as popular therapy in many other countries while becoming part of the basic training in the majority of the Osteopathy Schools around the world. CST is also part of basic and advance Myofascial/Visceral Induction Therapy Course in Spain where Alessio studied to become Advanced MIT Therapist.

craniosacral therapy london

The CSF pulse, similar to a tide, is very tiny (just a few microns) and can be palpated not only on the spine but in any other body part. This tide is very important because contributes to the entire body wellbeing, since it is fundamental in the processes of self regulation, correction, stimulation and healing of the body connective tissue (fascia) and of the internal organs, overall, their membranes and ligament (visceral fascia). Practically since we are a foetus in the womb until a few hours after dying, the CS rhythm (CSR) can be palpated and corrected in case is too weak/strong, asymmetrical, etc. Although the CST techniques are very soft and apparently mild, they are very powerful and effective on different levels, helping to recover in many conditions from chronic pain to scoliosis, from organs dysfunctions to stress induced conditions, from jaws dysfunctions and lower back pain to headache and migraines. Moreover, the healing it is possible not only on the physical but also on a spiritual level. Upledger, in fact, mentioned how in the CSR hides some inner wisdom about self-rebalancing and healing.

Dr Hugh Milne, British Osteopath, founder of Minle Institute of Visionary Cranial Therapy, explains how in the CSR and the still points in between, there is the direct conection to the deep consciousness of each individual. Alessio daily uses this approach on most of his clients and as part of his Hito Body Scan (link to the page) and he helps hundreds of people every year to restore their CSR to the optimum pulse towards an improvement of their conditions and a better quality of living. Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic pain, recovering from injury, or simply seeking deep relaxation, craniosacral therapy offers a holistic approach to healing that honours the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit.

Alessio specialised in Craniosacral therapy (CST) during his Advance Myofascial Training in Spain. He offers CST during his standard physiotherapy sessions or as part of his energy healing assessment. In fact, he created a specific application of CST which can reveal the root cause of any condition in just a few minutes. Also, his CST is well known as particularly effective for all cases related to new-born and children. 


Frequently Asked Questions

What wellbeing therapies do you provide?
We offer a range of wellbeing therapies including Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, energy healing, sound healing, mindfulness strategies, relaxation techniques, coaching and other holistic services to support physical, energy, mental and emotional health.
Our wellbeing therapies are designed to promote support healing from specific condition, promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve mental clarity. We often incorporate many of them in our standard medical practice.

