Many different factors can affect back pain. When in pain, sleep can be impacted and someone might struggle to get a good night of sleep.
Are you suffering from lower back or leg pain? You might also be experiencing tingling or numbness in your leg?
Contrary to its name, a manual lymphatic drainage massage is very different from a traditional relaxing or sports massage you may have had in the past.
Osteopathy is a type of manual therapy helping treat and prevent health problems. Osteopaths are part of the allied health professionals. This means they are primary healthcare practitioners.
Your health and safety are my priority and I want to make sure you all feel safe and can plan your treatments at home or in the clnic, with the upmost confidence.
One of the most difficult aspects of the lockdown has been to be suddenly stuck at home managing to work from home while re-inventing your daily family routine.
If you are normally a highly active person, the lockdown brought a drastic change of lifestyle since you could no longer access your gym, pool, spa or play your favourite sports.
When we experience a physical or emotional trauma, from an injury or a surgery or stress, our fascial tissue reacts and hardens like a protective body armour.